
Authors MUST anonymise (remove all contact details from) their papers before submission.

Format your paper strictly according to the template provided. Kindly use A4 as page size.

The template are available HERE.

The paper must have a strict minimum of 5 pages and at least 3500 words. Papers having more than 6 pages will carry extra page charges.

The submission link is: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icabcd2023

Maximum number of pages: 10

Steps for checking or converting PDFs using IEEE PDF Express

icABCD 2023 will be using IEEE PDF eXpress to verify the format of all papers submitted.


How to proceed?

1. Finalise your paper using the reviewers’ comments and using the IEEE conference template.

2. Create an IEEE PDF eXpress account on http://www.ieee-pdf-express.org

3. Log in to your IEEE PDF eXpress account.

First-time users should do the following:

Select the New Users – Click this link: https://ieee-pdf-express.org/account/signup


Enter the following:

59051X for the Conference ID, your email address and a password.


4. Continue to enter the required information.

An online confirmation will be displayed and an email will be sent to verify your account setup.

Previous users of PDF eXpress need to follow the above steps, but should enter the same password that was used for previous conferences.


5. Upload the source file for conversion and/or pdf document for checking.


6. Use IEEE PDF eXpress to obtain an IEEE Xplore compatible pdf.

7. Approve the pdf file after a successful conversion. If the conversion is not successful, update the paper as necessary and submit it again.


8. Submit the paper. 

Accepted and presented papers will be submitted for potential inclusion in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library, provided they meet IEEE quality standards (IEEE Conference Record Number #59051). 

The ISBN of the Conference Proceedings is 979-8-3503-1480-9.