Brenda Scholtz (Ph.D.) is an Associate Professor and Head of Department for the Department of Computing Sciences at the Nelson Mandela University in Port Elizabeth. She was awarded her PhD in ERP competencies in 2012. Her research speciality is in the fields of business process management, enterprise systems, business intelligence, information quality and business analytics. She is a National Research Foundation (NRF) rated researcher and has over 85 accredited research publications. She serves on the board of several Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) accredited journals and has supervised many Masters and Phd students to successful completion of their degrees. She is also currently serving as project manager for several international research collaboration projects between South Africa and Germany. In 2015 Brenda was awarded the 5th Annual Women in ICT Award for 2015 at the Eastern Cape ICT Summit and in 2018 the IITPSA Eastern Cape Woman of the year award. Brenda was elected to serve on the SAICSIT council and also recently appointed on the international task force for updating the international standard for Information Systems curricula for 2020 (IS2020).
Title of Presentation: The information economy, data crush and infodemic: The good, the bad and the ugly

Amlan Chakrabarti is a Full Professor in the A. K. Choudhury School of Information Technology at the University of Calcutta, India. He is also the Dean, Faculty of Engineering and Technology of his university. He is an M.Tech. from University of Calcutta and did his Doctoral research at Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata. He was a Post-Doctoral fellow at the School of Engineering, Princeton University, USA during 2011-2012. He has almost 20 years of experience in Engineering Education and Research. He is the recipient of prestigious DST BOYSCAST fellowship award in Engineering Science (2011), Indian National Science Academy (INSA) Visiting Faculty Fellowship (2014), JSPS Invitation Research Award (2016) from Japan, Erasmus Mundus Leaders Award from European Union (2017), Hamied Visiting Professorship from University of Cambridge, UK (2018) and Siksha Ratna Award by Dept. of Higher Education Govt. of West Bengal (2018). He has also served in various capacities in various higher education organizations both at national and international levels. He has received multiple project grants in the areas of Security in Cyberphysical Systems, IoT, Embedded System Design, VLSI Design, Quantum Computing, Computer Vision and Data Science from various national and international agencies (DST, DRDO, MietY, UGC, DAE, Ministry of Social Empowerment, WB-DST, TCS etc.). He has contributed immensely in the development of intelligent digital platforms to support education, critical infrastructures, healthcare, environment and water quality etc. He was the Principal Investigator of the Centre of Excellence in Systems Biology and Biomedical Engineering, University of Calcutta funded by MHRD under TEQIP-III funding during 2013-2017. Till date he has graduated 10 Ph.D. students. He has published around 150 research papers in referred journals and conferences. He is a Sr. Member of IEEE and ACM, IEEE Computer Society Distinguished Visitor (2020-2022), Distinguished Speaker of ACM, Secretary of IEEE CEDA India Chapter, Member of International Water Association, Vice President of Data Science Society and Life Member of CSI India.
Title of Presentation: Machine Learning for Medical Image Analytics